Company products

ALEMDAD ALHADEETH company imported and supplied foodstuffs with the owner companies, we strive to make our products the preferred choice for the consumer, and we seek to obtain the best agencies for food products.

Distributor of Turko products in Benghazi

Agent in Libya, Al-Liouth Musallata Company - Libya


Al-Amdad Al-Hadith Company for importing foodstuffs, based in Benghazi,
is one of Al-Marasem Holding Companies

almarasim company

And the distributor is a line. Al-Madad Modern Company is interested in choosing products for high quality products.



The company's vision

1. The company is working to be among the best Libyan, Arab and international companies In marketing.
2. It aspires to reach the world in import and advanced marketing solutions.
3. Be the first choice for investors looking for both quality and safety.
4. Our services should always be above the expected level for our customers with the best tools And one professional competencies for scientific and practical methods.

Corporate social responsibility ... Objective - Quality - Trust - Trust

The company relies on the standard specifications subject to the control of foodstuffs for the Libyan state.


Libya - Benghazi

Contact details

Mobile: 00218915882643


Business hours

From 8:30 am - 4:00 pm